Jollean Matsen

What brought me into the field of EFT ?

A high percentage of people are drawn to EFT during a time of trauma or heavy illness, for me it was quite a different motivation.

EFT was a new emerging chapter of my life having volunteered for a full decade of my life, a dream of service I wanted to do as a young child. These years took me to South Africa for two years and then eight years serving in India. During these many years, I had been using EFT with the essential information I gleaned from my practice with EFT, the video instructions, dvds and books and online programs. I also taught a beginner’s course in EFT to the initiative that was hosting me in the city of Madurai, South India. That is how much I loved EFT!

I am Certified in EFT for First and Second Levels with The International Metaphysical University. This is a very in-depth 12-week course which I absolutely value. My 20 years background in Energy Psychology fused with these deeper teachings further fired my desire in coaching and energy therapy, and then I studied from the library of Gary Craig’s Advanced ‘The Gold Standard for EFT’ courses.

I specialize in Trauma, Stress and Pain Release.

My Commitment to You

As a coach and during my courses I hold my clients in the space of who they truly are.

In that spirit, we explore together the problems you are faced with, so you can have the clarity, freedom and strength you would like; your life can take on new meaning as you navigate without the emotional blocks. I employ the use of energy-based testing, clinically known as Kinesiology or muscle testing and the experience of many varieties of healing modalities gleened over these may years.

I am here to help you improve your performance in the world, gain strength and direction, to motivate you to see the possibilities available when the blocks in your life are removed so you can live your dreams in a world of empowered choice with boldness, leading from the heart.

The fields of coaching and energy therapy blend well together as a potent and powerful combination for change, peace and harmony. When we explore the inner workings that lie below the surface, you can become the best that you can possibly be and that is my goal, to create a field of trust, safety, compassion and comfort for you, so you can move from energy blocks to frequencies of brilliance.

Energy Psychology as an Integrative and Energy Therapist

  • Certified Practitioner in EFT – Emotional Freedom Technique.
  • Certified as a Facilitator of One Day in The One Command –In 6 – Easy steps the process of The One Command® you become masters of a rich life that is right within the blueprint of your DNA, ready for you to discover!
  • Certified Teacher for the presentation of The Messages of Water through Dr. Emoto Masaru.
  • I also utilize my eighteen years of energy exploration experience through seven courses in Geotran, The Way of the Heart using Kinesiology and energy spin points on the body and in the field. I am a Reiki Master and Touch Therapist and Certified in Reflexology and Swedish Massage Therapy 3rd Level, Pranic Energy and NLP.
My Story

I was born in a small coal town in Southern Alberta, Canada and at the age of 5 was taken to live in the Salvation Army Children’s Home in the city of Calgary where I stayed for ten years. These were foundation years for me in music, social skills, nurturing and care, growing up with ninety other children.

It is clear to me, these stable years in this children’s home played a pivotal part in my choosing ten years of service in South Africa and India which began in 2003 and recently ended in 2013 at least in the context of teaching as a volunteer teacher.

My education was modest in a local school and marriage came around early in my young adult life along with motherhood. During these early years I felt the impulse to reach beyond the standard nine to five job and through a series of events the doors to personal artistic expression gave way and I began twenty years of exploration through the mediums of china painting, water color textured florals, drawings and a unique series of collages using fabric, feathers and gem stones. I am a futurist exploring the fields of a peaceful humanity in harmony with nature, through the fluid airway strokes of the pen and paint brush. Gardening supported me in the wonderment of nature and found its innate essence in my paintings and representations of my inner spirit. For many years I held art shows in the central downtown of Vancouver, BC, Canada.

                                            EFT Seals Level 1                                   EFT Seals Level 2

2014 – Certified as a one day Facilitator in The One Command –
2014 – Intensive Workshop online with Joe Dispenza, neuro scientist –
Understanding The Power of Your Mind.

During these later years I also engaged with and studied healing modalities as a Reiki Master, Kinesiologist and healer, through Geotran – The Language of The Field, The Tapas Acupressure Technique (TAT), EFT- Emotional Freedom Technique, Pranic Healing and NLP.

My passion as a teacher began in the teaching of Numerology in 1975 and then shifted to the integration of healing and teaching Reiki and other metaphysical courses on geometry and numerology.


Finally in 2003 my commitment to step out into world service led me to the Cape Town outlying areas and finally to a little village called Umzumbe to create the first Peace Gardens in a local school village south of Durban.

After two years of my hands etching into the African soil of the earth between the tubbers of vegetables and worms and playing and painting the children’s faces, I made my way to South India where streams of service like ancestral waters gathered into courses and coaching in Self-Care Massage, Reflexology , EFT, the Psychology of Language and The Law of Attraction. Certified and trained by Dr. Emoto Masaru in Hawaii many years ago, my program on The Mysteries of Water was given to colleges, spiritual gatherings, schools and holistic initiative groups and received with great wonder and deepened awareness to the qualities and gifts of water.

Took the second Agents of Conscious Evolution Course (ACE) through the guidance of The Shift Network team, and Barbara Marx Hubbard. This 12 week course gave me such depth and direction in my service in India that I was able to begin teaching and sharing the new memes of Conscious Evolution is Evolution by Choice not Change, into the sharing time with teachers and students. I did a personal study of all the scientists, authors and initiatives used as references during the course and followed with making my own videos to use in my courses. In other words, it impulsed me into the next chapter of my life where Metamorphosis and Conscious Evolution were high on my tablet for teaching as it wrote it’s own evolutionary tale through my own life, caterpillar to butterfly and helped to positively provide a fresh and new hope for the future of humanity living in right relationship with the Earth through me first!

These years of community sharing gave me the round table for co-operative service with the following holistic initiatives which I am deeply grateful for, in Madurai, Tamil Nadu- The Temple City, India from 2005 to 2015

  • The Gandhi Memorial Museum – Peace Museum …… History

  • Valliammal Institution – Dr. B. Ananthavalli, Director

  • Peace (IGINP) in Madurai – Dr. S. Jeyapragasum, honorary director and his monthly Peace Camps held in CESCI Centre for Experiencing Socio- Cultural Interaction 

I took an active part in monthly Peace and Nonviolence Camps giving courses mentioned above in CESCI.

  • Gave talks by invitation to various colleges and holistic groups

  • Mahatma Montessori Matriculation Higher Secondary Schools – Mr.R. Panneerselvam, President, Mahatma Schools, Mrs. Premalatha Panneerselvam, M.A., M.Ed, the Senior Principal

Leisure Time– love to walk, swim, do yoga and Tai Chi and chant and sing!
