EFT Surrogate Tapping offered as a Prayer

The purpose of this article of instruction is to offer another creative approach to using EFT Surrogate Tapping.

What is Surrogate EFT healing or Proxy?

Surrogate (or) Proxy Tapping basically means that we tap on our own body on behalf and benefit of another person.

Surrogate healing using EFT, Emotional Freedom Technique works, because energetically we are all connected and fundamentally One in Spirit in the universal sea of energy.

EFT Surrogate Tapping is a powerful tool to overcoming some of the following fears of, spiders, dogs, swimming, heights, starting at a new school, moving to a new home or new community, weak comprehension in specific subjects, having to go to the dentist, preparing for surgery, flying, starting a new job, public speaking, fear of strangers, or whenever fear arises in the moment regarding any issue. Once the lower vibrational fears are collapsed through the standard form of energy tapping on our own body for another person or animal, then the higher vibrational qualities desired such as confidence, clarity, focus, insight, creativity, concentration, and abundance to name a few aspects, may be tapped in, again on your own body and offered to the person you are dedicating a healing surrogate session to.

Other example where Surrogate healing has been used very successfully, is when babies were separated in a hospital incubator from their mother or a twin, when children were too active to sit still to be tapped on, when a family member was a distance away or when elderly people were infirmed or too sensitive and delicate to have tapping done on their own body. Many practitioners of Energy Psychology use this form of healing for their pets as well, the list of possibilities are endless.

We see the evidence of this movement of energy when fears fall away, pain disappears and a peaceful calming takes place and in most cases, a whole new perception of life begins to form. To the novice EFT practitioner, this form of helping others may just provide the perfect solution to your desire to offer assistance to a number of people at one time without years of experience and in a way that is absolutely natural, that of ‘offering a prayer’.

Whether one is offering a Surrogate healing for one person in the traditional way or whether you are offering a group of people a Surrogate Tapping in the form of a Prayer Circle, it is highly important that the person who is offering the Surrogate tapping, be sure

they are balanced and free of any emotional charge they might have so the integrity of the service is clear and appropriate.

For instance, if a mother is upset about her son or daughter, it would serve the whole dedication by making sure she has tapped on her issue first and then she can be objective and authentic as a facilitator for others. EFT strongly advocates taking responsibility for one’s own life. We can’t give what we don’t have ourselves and if we are in judgment of someone or a group of people, then we must clear our own space by tapping on the issue and when we are clear and light, then we can go ahead and tap on our body for someone else or we can offer this powerful prayer circle.

Surrogate Tapping for: one person, a group of people, for your family of pets, other sentient beings, cities, countries, continents, Earth..

Most recently I have been dedicating prayers for friends in San Jose del Cabo who were caught in the hurricane that created great destruction in a number of areas along the Baja Pennisula where homes, hotels, businesses and vegetation were damaged.  This is the tapping protocol I used for my prayer to many friends and their families and to the earth.

I offer this type of prayer each morning after my meditation.  Feel free to add to or change the people or animals in your prayer circle as your heart intuition guides you.  You can offer the same blessings to the whole planet, country, city, community, school or whatever springs forth in your inspiration……….it is a living powerful prayer and the more people tapping together, the more powerful it becomes for offering love, healing and positive energy.

The Controversy of Surrogate Healing

Most recently I have been dedicating prayers for friends in San Jose del Cabo who were caught in the hurricane that created great destruction in a number of areas along the Baja Pennisula where homes, hotels, businesses and vegetation were damaged. This is the tapping protocol I used for my prayer to many friends and their families and to the earth.

I offer this type of prayer each morning after my meditation. Feel free to add to or change the people or animals in your prayer circle as your heart intuition guides you. You can offer the same blessings to the whole planet, country, city, community, school or whatever 3

springs forth in your inspiration. It is a living powerful prayer and the more people tapping together, the more powerful it becomes for offering love, healing and positive energy.

There has been a controversy around asking permission to do Surrogate healing for others.

In my own past experience in energy psychology, every course I studied stressed the importance of asking permission before offering such a healing to anyone over the age of eleven years. We were told that you didn’t need to ask permission to send a healing for any child, eleven or younger.

The founder of EFT, Gary Craig, however, offered a most interesting point of view. His thoughts are that we send out negative thoughts and actions all the time without asking permission yet we feel that we should ask permission to offer a Surrogate healing for someone whom we know would greatly benefit from this conscious and compassion act.

Looking Through the window Compassion

Looking Through the Window of Compassion
EFT Surrogate Tapping offered as a Prayer_html_m276b3b54

Years ago, I was prompted to really look at the word


When you break it down into it’s syllables, you can see that it is offering a movement, ‘Come-Pass-On’. This might mean something different for each of us. For me, compassion calls to me to pass on, my inherent ability of allowing the flow of life to play happiness for myself and others. One way I do this is by offering EFT Surrogate Tapping as a Prayer. In other words Surrogate EFT is compassionate action in the ‘sea of energy’ that connects all of us to the Unified Field where there are no empty spaces. We can consciously influence and affect each other in a positive way without violating each others personal rights and choices. We can make a ripple which makes a difference.

“When the frontal lobe is working in creative mode, it looks out over the landscape of the entire brain and gathers all of the brain’s information to create a new mind. If compassion is the new state of being that you want to create, then once you ask yourself what it would be like to be compassionate, the frontal lobe would naturally combine different neural networks together in new ways to create a new model or vision. It might take stored information from books you read, DVDs you saw, personal experiences, and so forth to make the brain work in new ways. Once the new mind is in place, you see a picture, hologram, or vision of what compassion means to you.”

Joe Dispenza. Book – Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself

The Institute of HeartMath – The Instinct for Compassion

“We reach out to those in pain, take in stray animals and dash off our checks to help strangers suffering across this globe. Humans are compassionate toward those in need. In fact, considerable scientific research suggests, we may actually be compelled to be compassionate.”

If, as mounting evidence suggests, humans are biologically wired for compassion, that’s a good thing. Beyond the inherent joy of showing compassion to others, there are wonderful benefits to be gained by people who engage in compassionate acts.

The Science Of Compasssion

“While survival of the fittest may lead to short-term gain, research clearly shows it is survival of the kindest that leads to the long-term survival of a species. It is our ability to stand together as a group, to support each other, to help each other, to communicate for mutual understanding, and to cooperate, that has taken our species this far. Compassion is an instinct. Recent research shows that even animals such as rats and monkeys will go through tremendous effort and cost to help out another of its species who is suffering. We human beings are even more instinctually compassionate; our brains are wired for compassion.”… read moreJames R. Doty, M.D., Professor of Neurosurgery


Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu. May all beings everywhere be happy and free, and may the thoughts, words, and actions of my own life contribute in some way to that happiness and to that freedom for all. This is a prayer each one of us can practice every day.

EFT Surrogate Tapping offered as a Prayer – Instructions

Please take full responsibility for your own well being. Be sure you are hydrated so your EFT Surrogate Prayer will be more effective.

  • Take three breaths so you are fully present, here and now.
  • INTENTION PRAYER: It is my intention Universe/Source/God  (use whatever name feels right for you) that this prayer using EFT Emotional Freedom Technique be offered to assist each person I name which I place in an imaginary circle before me. May each person including myself be assisted in the most loving, compassion and effective way that serves each of us.
eft surrogate tapping

(Pause and close your eyes as you state your intention and imagine each person is before you in the circle as you name them, sending love to them as each takes their place. INTENTION is powerful, you do not have to see them in exact detail.)

If you are new to Energy Psychology, this might seem difficult, but it is as easy to offer prayer for ten people as it is for one. The important thing to remember is that you stay out of the need to know the outcome.

Begin Your Tapping using the Short Version Sequence Points

Tap on the Karate Chop point – fleshy side of hand

I am sending loving energy to these people in my prayer circle of which I am a part of and I choose to love, respect and accept myself and them. (Name the people you wish to send an EFT Surrogate Prayer for and imagine, feel or sense them standing in a circle filled with light and that you are part of this circle)

I am sending these people in my prayer circle healing energy and I choose to love, respect and accept myself and this circle.

I am sending these people positive energy and I choose to love, respect and accept myself and this prayer circle.

I imagine the grace of good for them, and if they are struggling, I hope they find peace. I choose to love, respect and accept myself and this circle and to all the parts that are involved.

Tap on the Karate Chop point – fleshy side of hand

EB – Eye Brow point – I am sending loving thoughts to this circle

SE – Side of Eye point – sending this circle, healing thoughts for radiant health

UE – Under the Eye point – sending this circle positive energy

UN – Under the Nose point – and I am clearing what might block this ‘good’ arriving

CH – Chin point – and recognizing that everything is energy and we are all connected

CB – Collar Bone point – and recognizing that there are no empty spaces

UA – Under the Arm point – so we’re all connected in this sea of energy

TH – Top of Head point– I am clearing the energy that is blocking the way

EB – Eye Brow point – for this prayer circle

SE – Side of Eye point – I am allowing the healing to happen in me

UE – Under the Eye point – I am holding the highest intention

UN- Under the Nose point – that they get what would really serve them

CH – Chin point – and I am clearing whatever might get in the way of that

CB – Collar Bone point – I am clearing what doesn’t feel like love in myself

UA – Under the Arm point – so that love is all I have to send

TH – Top of Head point – so that love is all there is to give

Take a deep breath with gratitude

Feel free to adapt the language of the prayer to suit your innermost needs and pass it on to assist others. Consider putting people in your Prayer Circle that are not your greatest friends. Make it a new habit to create your own EFT Surrogate Prayer Circle and offer it every day to those who you would like to assist.